About God

About God.

42; Who is God?

God is an infinitely perfect being, which exists by itself.

43. Co znaczą te słowa: “God exists by himself”? Those words: »God exists by himself * mean, that God does not have his existence and his perfections from anyone, only from myself.

44. Dlaczego mówimy, that God is infinitely perfect?

That's why we say, that God is infinitely perfect, for God has all the perfections to the highest degree.

45. Które doskonałości boskie powinniśmy sobie szczególnie zapamiętać?

The following divine perfections should be especially remembered: God is a sincere spirit; eternal and unchanging; everywhere present and all-knowing; the wisest and all-powerful; most holy and just; most kind and merciful; truest and most faithful.

46. Which means: God is a sincere spirit?

God is sincere spirit means, that God has the most perfect reason and the most perfect free will, and there is no body.

47. Which means: God is eternal?

God is eternal means, that God has always been, there is and always will be.

48. Which means: God is unchanging?

God is unchanging means, that God is always the same in Himself from ages and ages.

49. Which means: God is everywhere?

God is present everywhere means, that God is everywhere, in heaven and on earth.

50. Which means: God is all-knowing? God is all-knowing means, that God knows everything, what was, what is and what will be; that he knows even our innermost thoughts.

51. Which means: God is the wisest?

God is the wisest to mean, that God arranges everything like that, that it always achieves its most holy purpose.

52. Which means: God is almighty?

God is almighty I mean, that God made heaven and earth and everything, what exists; that he can do anything, what he wants.

53. Which means: God is most holy?

God is holiest means, that God only wants and loves good, and it abhors evil.

54. Which means: God is most just?

God is the fairest I mean, that God rewards the good and punishes the bad according to everyone's merit.

55. Which means: God is most kind?

God is kindest to say, that God is full of love for his creatures and that we have everything good from him.

56. Which means: God is most merciful?

God is the most merciful I mean, that God is willing to forgive us our sins and punishments.

57. What does it mean: God is truest and most faithful?

God is truest and most faithful means, that God always tells the truth and keeps it, what swears, or what he threatens.

58. Z czego poznajemy Pana Boga i Jego doskonałości ?

We recognize the Lord God and His perfection:

1. ze świata widzialnego;

2. z głosu naszego sumienia;

3. przedewszystkiem zaś z Objawienia nadnaturalnego.

Reminder. Enjoy the infinite perfection of God; love him above all. Only he can make your heart happy. »Well, I am in heaven, for what I wanted on earth besides you? God of my heart and my part, God forever. (Psalm 72, 25, 26).

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