The Prayer of the Repentant

The Prayer of the Repentant

I will return to my Father's house like the prodigal son, and he will receive me; I will do so, as he apprenticed: won't he hear me?

To your door, Merciful Father, I shoot: open up to me, that I should come in for fear, that I will get lost, I will walk away and die.

You made me an heir, and I forsaken my inheritance and squandered my goods: let me be a mercenary and a servant henceforth!

Like a customs officer, have mercy on me, and I will live by your grace! As sinners, forgive me my sins, about the son of God!

Like Peter, from the depths of the waves, pull me out too! As for a thief, have mercy on my anger and remember me!

Like a sheep, who died, Look for me, Lord, and you will find me, and carry me on your shoulders, Lord, to your Father's house!

Open my eyes like a blind man, that I may see your light!

Open my ears as deaf, let me hear your voice!

Heal me sick like a paralytic, to praise your name!

Like a leper, cleanse me with your hyssop from my filth!

Like a girl, daughter of Jairus, bring me back to life, O our Lord!

How Piotr's mother-in-law heal me, because I'm sick!

Like a young man, widow's son, get me on my feet!

Like Lazarus, call me with your voice and untie my bonds!

Because I'm dead because of sin; raise from my ruin, that I may praise your name!

Please, Lord of the earth and heaven, come to my aid and show me your way, that I may go to you!

Bring me to you about the Son of Good, and complete your mercy!

I will go to you and I will be satisfied with joy there. Grind the wheat of life for me in an hour, when I'm exhausted!

I wish to, Lord, be with you and go with you. I meditate on your commandments day and night.

Give me, what I am asking of you and accept my prayers, o Merciful!

Don't pick up, Lord, hope to your servant, because he is waiting for you.

Jakub Sarug, writer of the Syrian Church

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