Christ in the Eucharist gives us his love

Christ in the Eucharist gives us his love

We believe, that the Holy Mass. is a victim. If at Holy Mass. there was a non-Christian, he wouldn't see the victim, but he would see the table and the people standing around, who eat something from this table.
This is what the pagans saw in the first centuries and accused Christians of unbelief. They did not see the sacrifices made. Why Christ instituted his Sacrifice at the feast ? What he wanted to express by that ?

In the Eucharistic banquet, Christ unites us to the Father and to our brothers and sisters

Sitting at one table and eating the same food from the earliest times is an expression of unity and community gathered. One table and a shared meal best express the unity and brotherhood of the participants of the feast. Before his death, Christ sat down at the table with the Apostles and ate the Passover Supper with them, as described by the evangelists Matthew, Marek and Łukasz, and also St.. Paul.
Before the Supper, he told them, that he was eager to eat this Passover with them.
When they started arguing, which of them is the greatest, told them : “Let the greatest among you be as young as possible, and the superior is like a servant " (Luke 22, 26). St.. Jan passes, that Christ, to convince them of it, he washed their feet. Then he told them :
“I have given you an example, that you also should do so, as I have done for you… Knowing this, you will be blessed, when you do it " (J 13, 15. 17).
Only then, when everything was deleted, what separated them, Christ gave himself to them - his body and his blood. St.. John communicates Jesus' speech after supper : “I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another… Everyone will know by that, you are my disciples, if you love one another " (J 13, 34-35).
St.. John also gives us the prayer of Jesus :
“And I am not only asking for them, but also behind these, who will believe in me because of their word ; that they may all be one, like you,
father, in me, and I am in you, that they too may be one in us, make the world believe, that you sent me " (J 17, 20-21).
Tales of the Evangelists about the Supper, Jesus' farewell speech and his priestly prayer reveal to us, that the Eucharist is the sacrament of unity and love.
This is why, at the Last Supper, Christ instituted the Eucharistic Sacrifice, which is always done in a feast manner. Hence and today Holy Mass. we call the Lord's Supper. Christ in every Holy Mass. it connects us with the Father and with the Holy Spirit and with all our brothers and sisters.

Liturgy of the Mass. it shows and strengthens the community of the People of God

The celebration of the Eucharistic Sacrifice always takes place in community. There, who gather for Holy Mass, they express outwardly the unity of the People of God and mutual love.
Rites, with which the Eucharistic Sacrifice is related, that is, the Lord's Supper, they recall and lead to the need for mutual love and unity. The rites of the Eucharistic feast begin with the prayer "Our Father". The priest precedes it with words : „Wezwani zbawiennym nakazem i oświeceni pouczeniem Bożym, we dare to say ". When he will say it with the audience, praying to God for the preservation of those gathered from sin, giving them unity and peace. He addresses them with words : "The peace of the Lord be with you always", and after the answer : "And with your spirit", calls them, to give each other a sign of peace. After reconciliation with their brothers and sisters and with the whole Church, the faithful are ready to receive the Body of Christ. The priest shows the host and speaks : “Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. Blessed are,
who were called to the Lamb's feast ", and then, together with the faithful, he asks for forgiveness of sins : "Lord, I am not worthy, for you to come to me, but just say the word, and my soul will be healed ". After such preparation, he himself receives and communicates to the faithful.
In these rites of Mass., which precede the reception of the Body and Blood of Christ, The Church wishes to point out the same, which Christ emphasized so much at the Last Supper. Seats at one table should not be separated, and there should be unity and mutual love between them. Liturgy of the Mass. it shows unity, to which Christ leads us and strengthens it through the Eucharistic Banquet.

How will I answer God ?

Christ reconciled people with God. But he did, that unity and mutual love unite those, who believed in him. Now do you understand, why he gathers us at one table and why it is a sign of mutual love and unity. By participating in the Holy Mass. and receiving the Body and Blood of Christ, the love between the congregation grows and unity is strengthened. The Eucharist leads us to unity and love, but Christ requires our cooperation - a willingness to help Him gather together the scattered children of God (J 11, 52).
How you are helping to achieve this oneness ? What are you doing, that unity and love may be in your family home, among your friends ?
Now think about it : If you were to entertain friends at home, a oni, although they sat down at the same table with you, they did not take advantage of the food, which you have prepared for them - would you not feel offended by their behavior ? You've been to Holy Mass so many times. You found yourself at the table with the others, which Christ has prepared for us. Have you always accepted His invitation ? What are you doing, that you may participate fully in the Eucharist as often as possible ?

Pray for unity with words :

,,Lord, Jesus Christ, You told your apostles : Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you, take no account of our sins, but by the faith of your Church and according to Your will, fill her with peace and strengthen her in unity ".

■ Think:

1. Co podkreślają ewangeliści w opowiadaniu o Wieczerzy Pańskiej ?

2. Na co zwraca szczególną uwagę św. Jan ?

3. O co Jezus modlił się podczas Ostatniej Wieczerzy ?

4. Dlaczego właśnie podczas Wieczerzy Chrystus ustanowił nowe prawo miłości ?

5. Z kim łączy nas Chrystus w Uczcie eucharystycznej ?

6. Co wyraża jeden stół i wspólny pokarm ?

7. Do czego ma nas przygotować „znak pokoju” ?

■ Remember:

78. W jaki sposób wierni najdoskonalej uczestniczą w Ofierze Chrystusa ?
The faithful share most perfectly in Christ's sacrifice by receiving the Body and Blood of the Lord.

79. Z kim łączą się wierni przyjmując Komunię św. ?
The faithful receiving Holy Communion. unite with Christ, and through him with all the Holy Trinity and with all the members of the Church.

80. Co Chrystus poleca tym, who united with him in Holy Communion. ?
Christ it, who united with him in Holy Communion., recommends, that they may live the spirit of love and thereby strengthen unity among people.

■ Task :

1. Przeczytaj z mszalika obrzędy komunijne i wyszukaj zdania, which emphasize unity and love.

2. Ułóż własnymi słowami modlitwę, the content of which will be a plea for unity and love.

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