God fulfills the plan of salvation through humans

Jesus faceYou already found out, that the Scriptures. talks about selected people and about some events in the history of the Jewish people.

God uses people as intermediaries

You are a believer. You have received your faith from the Church. The Church draws it from the Scriptures. St.. talks about a man, whom he calls Abraham. You already know about it, that Abraham believed God unreservedly. God made a promise of salvation. Abraham passed it on to his descendants. Thus, God used Abraham as a mediator to communicate the promise of salvation to all mankind. Abraham's descendants believed God's promises to their father. When they found themselves in Egypt, grew into a nation. Then one of the pharaohs wanted to kill them. However, God saved Abraham's descendants from destruction. He called Moses, that he might lead all the people out of Egyptian bondage. Moses led the people out of Egypt into the desert. There, through him, God made a covenant with his people and made them his chosen people. Thus, God used Moses as a mediator in carrying out his plan of salvation. The chosen people believed, that God would fulfill the promise of salvation and that he passed this faith on to his children and grandchildren. God was watching, that the Israelites would do just that. Through them, faith passed from generation to generation and survived until the coming of the Savior. God made use of the descendants of Abraham, that is, the People of God of the Old Covenant, as mediators in the transmission of salvation. Through Abraham, Moses and the chosen people of the Old Covenant, faith in salvation reached other peoples. It also reached our nation, to ourselves. Through them God teaches us about salvation. So they are God's mediators also for us.

Why do we read about mediators during the Eucharistic Assembly ?

Tales of Abraham, Moses and the chosen people, as well as other figures and events of the Old Covenant they tell us, that God loves all people and that He wants to save them all. In Abraham, in Moses, in being released from Egyptian bondage, in making a covenant and in other events, God foretells and begins the work of salvation, which he will fully accomplish in Christ.
God made a promise to Abraham and thus foretold and began salvation. But he fulfilled his promises and saved the world through Jesus Christ. Abraham foretells and imagines Christ, is his "figure". By God's command, Moses led the nation out of Egyptian bondage. Jesus Christ freed all people from sin. By God's command, Moses makes a covenant with God in Sinai on behalf of the chosen people of the Old Law. On the cross, Jesus Christ concludes the New Covenant between all humanity and God by God's will. Moses acted and spoke for God. Christ acts and speaks for God, his father. Moses is ,,a figure of "Christ, and his action and words begin and represent the saving action of Christ.
Through other persons and events of the Old Covenant, God also announces and begins the work of salvation, which Christ has accomplished and which is still being done in the Church. So when we gather for Holy Mass, to participate in the work of salvation, God in the words of Scripture. The Old Testament teaches us about this salvation and calls us to cooperate with each other.

How will I answer God ?

As I get to know the characters and events of the Old Testament, I will realize, that through them God works for the salvation of all people, and therefore me. Shouldn't I get to know them better and give thanks to God, who has done so much for me ? I can express this gratitude in words now :
“Praised be the Lord, God of Israel, that he has visited his people and delivered them, and he has raised up a power to save us in the house of his servant, David ; as he foretold from time immemorial through the mouth of his holy prophets; to save us from our enemies… that he would show mercy to our fathers and remember his holy covenant - his oath, which he gave to our father, To Abraham”

(Luke 1, 68-71 a. 72-73).

■ Think :

1. Thanks to whom the promise of salvation reached all nations ?
2. What kind of God's intermediaries you already know ?
3. Are only individuals intermediaries in the work of salvation? ?
4. What do people and events in the history of the chosen people have in common with us? ?

■ Remember :

45. Who does God use in the work of salvation? ?

God uses people in the work of salvation.

46. Who are pictured by the characters and events of the Old Testament ?

The characters and events of the Old Testament represent Jesus Christ and His saving action.

■ Task :

Write, what other stories do you know about people or events, through which God acted for the salvation of all people.

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