Jesus Christ gives rise to God's Kingdom

Jesus Christ gives rise to God's Kingdom

The expression "Kingdom of God" reminds you of different kingdoms, you learned about in history. Poland was once a kingdom too. The king defended his subjects from enemies, he made laws, he administered justice, he was concerned with the development of the kingdom. By word and deed he contributed to its unity. The strength and durability of the kingdom depended on the wise exercise of power by the king and the loyalty of his subjects and their cooperation.
What all of this has to do with God's Kingdom, which Christ preached ? What is the difference between these kingdoms, about which you learn from history, and the kingdom, which Christ speaks of ?

Jesus Christ proclaims the Kingdom of God

St.. Mateusz tells, that when Jesus learned of the imprisonment of John the Baptist, he left the country of Judea for Galilee :
,,From then on, Jesus began to teach and speak : «Convert, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand… »And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in local synagogues, by preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom and healing every disease and every weakness among the people. And news of him spread throughout Syria. So all the suffering were brought to him, tormented by various diseases and ailments, possessed, epileptics and paralysts, and He healed them " (Mt 4, 17 i 23-24).
Jesus Christ began his messianic activity by teaching in Galilee. He preached, that the kingdom of God had come and he was translating, what does it mean.

What is God's Kingdom?

In the time of Jesus Christ, the Israelites longed for God's Kingdom. Despite the hard experiences, especially Roman captivity, they believed, that God is still their King, as the prophets said. They expected, that the coming of the Messiah will usher in God's new rule over the world.
However, many of them were thinking primarily of the temporal kingdom. They thought, that in the messianic times Israel would regain freedom and independence and achieve great prosperity. They even dreamed, that under the Messiah's leadership they will rule over the whole world.

John the Baptist corrected misconceptions about the Messiah and his Kingdom. Teached, that the Messiah would demand faith and repentance, that is, conversion, that he will forgive sins and thus bring salvation. John's announcement came true. Jesus Christ from the first teachings in Galilee until the last teachings, which he gave to the apostles (Dz 1, 6-7), he preached the kingdom of God. Teached, that God is the only and most important ruler in this Kingdom, and his will is the highest law. Jesus called not only the Israelites to the Kingdom of God, but also of all people : "I tell you : Many will come from East and West and sit down with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the Kingdom of Heaven " (Mt 8, 11).
Jesus demanded conversion, that is, withdrawing from sins and turning to God and Faith in the Good News (The Gospel) about salvation. He also ordered to be baptized : “Unless anyone is born of water and the Spirit, cannot enter the kingdom of God " (J 3, 5).
The kingdom of God was not only announced by Jesus, but in his person it has already begun on earth : by science, which he preached, by miracles, which he did, and most of all by this, that "he gave his life as a ransom for many" (Mk 10, 45).

The kingdom of God in the liturgy and in the life of the Church

Through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Kingdom of God is realized in the Church and is available to all people.
Christ announced, that the Kingdom of God has come near to us, and now he communicates this joyful news to the whole world through the Church. Like Christ with his teaching, with all his life and miracles, he initiated the building of the Kingdom of God on earth, so today the Church with her whole life contributes to the growth of this Kingdom. He reveals them to the world through love, serving others and fighting evil.
The kingdom of God is strengthened in a special way in the Eucharistic assembly. The Church experiences the truth about God's reign on earth with particular intensity in certain solemnities of the liturgical year.
In day 6 On January we celebrate the Epiphany with the whole Church, that is, the Epiphany of the Lord. We consider then, how, through the birth of the Son of God, the Eternal King revealed himself to the whole world, also to the Gentiles, in the persons of the wise men of the East. From that time on, more and more nations were involved in building the Kingdom of God on earth. Thus Isaiah's prophecy was fulfilled, which we read on the feast of the Epiphany during the Holy Mass. (From 60, 1-6).

On Palm Sunday, during the solemn procession with palm trees, we pay homage to Christ, The King and Savior of the world. We adore Him for the work of salvation, for the proclamation and initiation of God's kingdom, to which we belong. We sing then :

"Homage to you, fame and honor, oh Christ, King and Savior, Hosanna sang devoutly by the boy's choir.
You are the King of Israel and the famous descendant of David.
Blessed King, Today you come in the name of the Lord…
A Jewish crowd with palm trees ran out in front of you,
Today we came with the hymns, love, prayer.
Then you went for flour, and they rightly worshiped you,
We hum you singing, when you reign forever.
You accepted their donation gratefully, kindly accept ours as well,
O Królu dobry, giver of favors, nice to you everything, what good".

The last Sunday of the liturgical year is the feast of Christ the King. On this day, the liturgy of the Church reminds us of the contemporary tasks and goals of the Kingdom of God. It is supposed to turn the world into "a kingdom of truth and life, the kingdom of holiness and grace, kingdom of justice, love and peace " (Preface about Christ the King).

How will I answer God ?

Through faith and baptism, St.. you have been incorporated into the kingdom of God. You made a commitment then, that your life will be a life of faith, love of God and people. If you want to fill it in, you must constantly "convert", i.e.. still fight sin.
Today because of you, through your life, Christ wants to reveal the Good News about God's Kingdom to people.
How You Fulfill Your Baptismal Obligations. ?
What do you bring to your surroundings ?
Does your presence among colleagues make them better ?
Christ entrusted people to care for the fate of his Kingdom. Do you feel responsible for God's kingdom on earth? ?
What do you do, to testify better of Christ the King ?

Together with the whole Church, thank God for this with the words of preface on the Solemnity of Christ the King, that the Kingdom of God is present with us and that we can belong to it. “Truly worthy and just, right and salutary, that we may give thanks to you always and everywhere, Lord, Holy Father, almighty, eternal god.
You anointed your only-begotten Son with the oil of gladness, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, the Eternal Priest and King of the universe, that he might complete the mystery of the redemption of mankind by offering himself on the altar of the cross as the immaculate sacrifice of reconciliation, and that, subjecting all creatures to his authority, he has entrusted to your infinite majesty an everlasting and universal kingdom : the kingdom of truth and life, the kingdom of holiness and grace, kingdom of justice, love and peace…”

■ Think:

1. Co głosił Jezus Chrystus o Królestwie Bożym ?
2. Kogo Chrystus powołuje do Królestwa Bożego ?
3. Co trzeba zrobić, to belong to the kingdom of God ?
4. Gdzie dzisiaj Chrystus głosi radosną Nowinę o Królestwie Bożym ?

■ Remember:

8. W jaki sposób objawiło się ludziom Królestwo Boże ?
The kingdom of God was revealed to people at the coming of Jesus Christ, in his person and in his words and deeds.

9. Jakimi słowami ogłasza Chrystus początek Królestwa Bożego na ziemi ?
Jesus Christ announces the beginning of God's Kingdom on earth with words : “The time is fulfilled and the Kingdom of God is at hand. Convert and believe in the Gospel !” (Mk 1, 15).

■ Task :

Think and write, what is the difference between a purely human kingdom and the kingdom of God.

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