Novena to Saint Rita

Novena to St.. Rity – The first day

Saint Rita, we wish to imitate your virtues and receive through you the grace of eternal life. We thank God, that from childhood he showered his favors on you and glorified your name. O, how unlike you we are, full of earthly vanity, we push away everything, what sublime, we live in sins, we fear repentance. O Christmas Rito, which you can do before God, ask for our conversion and sincere repentance for our sins, that we may follow you from now on in the virtue of humility and penance, and they deserve a reward in heaven, promised silent and that, who cry. Ask for a grace for us ... (we replace her) Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory be ... Antiphon: You have bestowed, Lord, Your servant, Rita, is a sign of Your love and passion. Let's pray: Heavenly Father, You gave Saint Rita a share in the Passion of Christ, grant us the grace and strength to bear our sufferings, that we may participate more deeply in the paschal mystery of your Son. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for all ages and ages. Amen.

Novena to Saint Rita – Day two

God chose you, Christmas Rito, for a shining pattern for virgins, wifes, widows and nuns. You left behind your wife's most beautiful example, forced to live with a proud husband, enduring reproaches in humility and meekness, insults, and even beating. By sweetness and patience you have transformed your husband's impetuosity into gentle submission. O, if even today wives would imitate your quiet and sweet life, to soften the hearts of his sometimes impetuous husbands, if we could all live with our relatives and neighbors according to God's laws and Christian love, there would be so many disagreements leading sometimes to dire consequences. We are begging you, O Christmas Rito, Ask God for all of us the gifts of the Holy Spirit, that we may one day glorify with You the Giver of all good in the kingdom of eternal peace. Ask for a grace for us ... (we replace her). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory be ... Antiphon: You have bestowed, Lord, Your servant, Rita, is a sign of Your love and passion. Let's pray: Heavenly Father, You gave Saint Rita a share in the Passion of Christ, grant us the grace and strength to bear our sufferings, that we may participate more deeply in the paschal mystery of your Son. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for all ages and ages. Amen.

Novena to Saint Rita – Day third

How painful it was for you, O Christmas Rito, the news of your husband's murder. You wept bitter tears at the thought, that his unprepared soul was brought to the judgment of a just God. You weren't thinking about yourself, but you continually commended to the merciful God the soul of your murdered husband, begging forgiveness for his murderers, and having known, that your little sons wish to avenge their father's death, you were begging God, rather to take them out of the world, than they would stain their conscience with a bloody act of revenge. God heard you, taking both sons at a young age. After losing them, you thanked Jesus, that he called them to himself before committing the crime. How wretched we are against this example, we cannot forgive the smallest offense or make sacrifices for our own soul, as well as for the soul of one's neighbor. O Christmas Rito, ask God to forgive our enemies, that we ourselves may become more worthy of forgiveness for our sins and enjoy the eternal reward in heaven. Ask for a grace for us ... (we replace her). Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory be to the Father... Antifona: You have bestowed, Lord, Your servant, Rita, is a sign of Your love and passion. Let's pray: Heavenly Father, You gave Saint Rita a share in the Passion of Christ, grant us the grace and strength to bear our sufferings, that we may participate more deeply in the paschal mystery of your Son. Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for all ages and ages. Amen.

Novena to St.. Rity – Fourth day

O Christmas Rito, how great was your love for God and for your neighbor. Who can imagine your warmest feelings and bitter tears?, some she poured out, thinking of the passion of your Crucified Bridegroom? Who will understand this holy delight in communing with God, in which you were often found? Who will say your love to your neighbor, poor and sick, between which they were very sad and unhappy, and you embraced them with the mercy of your heart? We are so often preoccupied with ourselves, we are not trying, to provide for the spiritual and bodily needs of our neighbors. Beg us, O Christmas Rito, grace, that our hearts should burn with pure love for our neighbor, that we may imitate you and be united to you from this moment by this eternal love, who makes you full of glory and happiness in heaven. Ask for a grace for us ... (we replace her). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory be ... Antiphon ...

Novena to Saint Rita – Fifth day

You've known since childhood, O Christmas Rito, the dangers of human nature, how pride, sensuality and with such a loathing for this evil you were overwhelmed, that you persevered in the grace you received in holy baptism. Following the will of the parents, you married your husband. Released by the death of her husband and children from the obligations of wife and mother, you begged the Lord Jesus fervently, that you may be admitted to the monastery and despite being refused three times, you were almost miraculously received. God fulfilled your desires, and you bound yourself to Jesus forever in vows of chastity, poverty and obedience. O happy Rito, look at us, under the weight of passions and sins, that lead us to eternal ruin. Beg us, for Christmas Rito, the grace to love heavenly goods, that we may be cleansed from our sins one day, burning with affectionate love for God, they could deserve the reward promised by this, who knew how to despise the false and vain goods of this world. Ask for a grace for us ... (we replace her). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory be ... Antiphon ...

Novena to Saint Rita – Sixth day

Admirably taken over, we consider, O Christmas Rito, Your life, which was like a constant prayer. You mortified your body with fasting, You spent the short moments of sleep on the hard bedding. You made all mortifications to overcome lust. We often do the opposite. Instead of resorting to prayer and repentance, we are looking for fun, that turn us away from God. Today however, recognizing the necessary need for repentance and prayer, we are begging you, O Christmas Rito, so that we are struggling with our shortcomings, they have renounced them forever and have become worthy to rejoice with you in eternal happiness in heaven. Ask for a grace for us ... (we replace her). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory be ... Antiphon ...

Novena to St.. Rity – Seventh day

Saint Rita, You wanted with all your soul to share the sorrow of Christ's thorns crown and you were heard. Divine Bridegroom as a reward of Your compassion and love, with which you contemplated his passion, He miraculously wounded you on the forehead with the thorn of his crown. For the rest of my life, it is fifteen years old, you wore that cut on your forehead, thanking Christ for this great grace. We, on the other hand, instead of patiently bearing our crosses and cares, with which God visits us, we grieve and complain. O Christmas Rito, ask Jesus for the grace of enduring all troubles in our lives, that through prayer and submission to God's will we may be worthy to rejoice with You in eternity. Ask for a grace for us ... (we replace her). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory be ... Antiphon ...

Novena to Saint Rita – Eighth day

Your divine Bridegroom, O Christmas Rito, wanting to sanctify you more and make you like yourself, he allowed, that you would be struck by a serious illness during the last four years of your life. What wonderful examples of submission to God's will and patience you have left us, for Christmas Rito. Only the thought was sad for you, that you are a burden to your nuns. The announcement of the imminent liberation from the prison of the body and transition to the eternal homeland filled your heart with joy. You gave your beautiful soul into the hands of Jesus, His bridegroom. What will happen to us, sinners, at the time of death? With us, who cannot and do not want to endure any disease peacefully? Have mercy on us, O Christmas Rito! Ask Jesus for complete surrender to God's will and patience in the last illness and a happy death, that we may be united with you to glorify God forever. Ask for a grace for us ... (we replace her). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory be ... Antiphon ...

Novena to Saint Rita – Ninth day

Your deep humility, O Christmas Rito, she obtained great glory in heaven for you, you have now. For this humility, your divine Bridegroom wanted to glorify you also on earth. Therefore, immediately after your death, he worked many miracles through you. People from far and near crowds pressed to your grave, declaring you a saint. This pious opinion was also confirmed by the judgment of the viceroy of Christ, who also made you a saint. From now on, your glory is spreading among the faithful all over the world and you have the privilege to be called "Advocate in hopeless situations" and "Saint for difficult matters". O full of glory Rito, have mercy on us! Obtain for us the grace of knowing this truth, that we are dust and we cannot do anything alone. Save us from eternal damnation, which is shared by the proud and rebellious angels, and help us, that we may enjoy the glory promised to the humble in heaven with you. Ask for a grace for us ... (we replace her). Our Father ... Hail Mary ... Glory be ... Antiphon ...

2 thoughts on “Novena to Saint Rita”

  1. Please pray for Saint Rita's miraculous help for my son in matters:occupational health,housing,official,for opinion eg,to get our money back.
    Thank you very much.

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